I am having laptop issues and cannot access my fiction folder. Until I resolve that, I can’t post any fiction. Hopefully, I will get this all figured out this week, but until then, here’s a Missy Elliott video to get your blood pumping.
I am having laptop issues and cannot access my fiction folder. Until I resolve that, I can’t post any fiction. Hopefully, I will get this all figured out this week, but until then, here’s a Missy Elliott video to get your blood pumping.
Hello! I am going to Malta this week, so there will be no posts. I hope to come back invigorated and rededicated to blogging after a week of sun, good eating, and relaxation (I hope!), so see you then.
Hey, all! New week, new story. We finished Trip on This, and I’m still editing the sequel, so it’ll be a while before I start posting that. Instead, I’ll be posting chapters from Dogged Ma, a story I wrote quite a few years ago about a woman who is impregnated by God against her will. I updated it a bit a few years ago, but it’s pretty much the same as when i first wrote it. I got the idea after watching Dogma (RIP, Alan Rickman) and seeing how joyful Bethany was when she was informed that she was the Mother of God. I imagined my own reaction which would have been drastically different, and thus, this story was born.
P.S. After watching this clip, I might have to watch Dogma again.
I have finished posting chapters from Trip on This, and I am currently deciding what I want to post next. I am editing the sequel I wrote to Trip on This, so I will post chapters of that in the near (or pretty near) future. In the meantime, I am taking today off, so there will be no post. Instead, celebrate Maru’s 11th birthday with a montage of several cute things he’s done in the past year.
Before I post the next chapter of Trip on This, I want to talk about the novel in general a little bit. I wrote it sixteen years ago, inspired by the time I lived in the Bay Area. Around the same time, I read an article about the killing of women and girls in Juarez that everyone seemed to be ignoring. The more I read, the more horrified I became, and it plays a part in this novel as well.
I really like this novel because the protagonist is unlike any other I’ve written. She’s tough as nails and no-nonsense, rarely bothering with introspection. She’s a doer, not a thinker, which is the exact opposite of me.
I have a special fondness in my heart for her, and I wrote a sequel novel about her a few months ago. Once I’m done with Trip on This, I’ll start posting chapters from the sequel (once I edit it, of course!). Here’s the prologue to Trip on This, here’s chapter one, and here’s chapter two. And now, on to chapter three which will be posted at the stroke of midnight! Let’s boogie!
Here’s the whole song since the video above cuts off most abruptly at the end.
*stumbles into the room*
*struggles to find the light&]*
*turns it on, thankful it still works*
*dusting away the cobwebs*
Hello! Man, it’s been some time, hasn’t it? Over three years to be precise, but who’s counting? Me, obviously because I mentioned it, but it’s in the past. We’re moving onward and upward. I’m getting back into my fiction blog because *reasons*, and I’ve decided to do posts a week here on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Today is Tuesday (at least it will be when you read this), so I’m making my announcement now, and then I’ll post my first new post on Thursday. At least one post a week will be the next chapter of Trip on This, which I’ve already started. For the other post, I’m not sure. I’ll either upload another chapter of Trip or a chapter from another novel I wrote/am working on.
As you can probably tell, I’m making this up as i go along. It’ll be an adventure as we all discover it together. I reserve the right to change my mind at any point what/when I post, but I’ll try to give you a heads up before doing so. I really want to focus on Trip on This and the sequel I just wrote, but there are other novels of mine I want to explore as well.
Bear with me as I get my sea legs back under me, but I’m excited to jump back into this. I hope you are, too.
Hello, bitchez. I’ve neglected you for far too long, haven’t I? It’s been a year and a half since I’ve written anything here, and while so much has changed in that time, simultaneously, things remain strangely the same.
All that is in the past, however, and I’m ready to walk on by that mess. I have new goals, some I’m willing to share and some I’m not. The main one is that I want to be self-supportive with this writing thing, be it fiction, blog posts, or articles on how to keep your man satisfied in bed. I’ve been writing all my damned life, and now it’s time it started paying the bills.
To that end, I’m exploring the many online publishing options that have sprouted up in the past few years, ranging from crowdfunding to freelance writing to writing bad fanfic. Hey, me and my boys gotta eat!
Indiegogo? Patreon? CreateSpace? Kickstarter? So many options, and not all of them are mutually-exclusive. Currently, I’m deciding what I want to do with my life and what vehicle is the best to get me there. I know I’ve been sadly amiss in keeping up with this blog and my personal blog, The World According to MEH, but I plan to rectify both in the very near future.
Keep your eyes on this space for exciting news in the very near future.
Hey, ‘sup, bitchez? My name is Minna Hong, and this is my fiction blog. It’s an emerging, living entity, so it’ll change, grow, and occasionally spit up along the way. Just FYI, I swear. A lot. So if that’s problematic, you may want to skip this blog entirely.
::looks around::
It’s kind of strange. For years, this has been the home of my personal blog, which has now been moved to theminna.com. I ranted and I railed about whatever popped in my mind. Then, I closed the curtains on my blog and moved on to other adventures. My fiction site was one reason I closed down my blog, and now, roughly a year later*, I am ready to make magic happen.
Since it’s November, that means NaNoWriMo. I’ve already met the goal – 56,142 and counting – which isn’t surprising for me. If you’ve ever read anything I’ve written, you know I have no trouble spewing a bunch of words at a time. In the past couple years, I’ve set my own goals for NaNoWriMo, and this year, I have three. One is to get this website up and running – as defined by me. The second is to write a mystery novel, and I’m about a third down with that.
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