Tag Archives: mom’s cooking

Out of Sight, Into Mind; chapter fourteen, part one

“Scar, I’m going over to Kayla’s after work.  Wanna join me?  Give me a call.”  I found this note on the dining room table when I got up in the morning.  No apology, no nothing.  In a way, I was glad as the note was something Matt would normally write to me.  I had to be at Julia’s at one, and we had to be at Mom’s at six.  It would be cutting it short, and I wondered if we should go to Kayla’s after.  Then I remembered that we’d have Banana, so it wouldn’t be a good idea to be out after eight or nine.  Damn.  I called Matt.

“Matt Reynolds.”  Matt’s professional voice was much different from his normal one, and I almost didn’t recognize it.

“Hey, it’s me.  We have to be at my mom’s at six.  I have to be at Julia’s at one.  I’ll be bringing Banana with me, which means we can’t go to Kayla’s after Mom’s.”

“We’re going to your mother’s?”  Matt sounded puzzled, even though I had mentioned it to him last night.

“Yes, I told you when you got home.  Right before you hit on me the first time.  Can you get out of work by, say, four?”  I knew the gang would have a fit if I left that early, but some things superseded work.

“No can do.  I have a meeting with a juvie at four-thirty.”  Matt sounded frustrated, as he should.  “Shit.  What about tomorrow?  It’s Saturday.”

“Sure.  Let’s do it early.”  I hesitated before adding, “I have a date with Martinez at eight.”  I waited for the fallout, but it didn’t come.

“Does that mean you’re kicking me out of the apartment again,” Matt teased, all earlier signs of a snit gone.

“No, I’m going to his place this time.  He’s cooking for me.”

“As it should be.”

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