Tag Archives: free drinks

Out of Sight, Into Mind; chapter eleven, part two

“But not like that,” Matt said, gesturing to my dress.  I stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the cheek, leaving an impression of my lips behind.  Great, I’d have to check my lip gloss before I left.  As I was about to step back, Matt grabbed me by the hips and pulled me closer.  He crushed my lips under his, completely ruining my lip gloss.  Before I could ruminate on that thought, he moved his hands to my ass and squeezed.  As usual, my body reacted by pressing itself further into him.  I could feel his erection digging into my belly, and I had to make a decision.  Two seconds more of this, and we weren’t going to the club for some time.  A sense of duty made me pull away from him and put space between us.

“Matt, we have to go soon,” I panted, giggling as I looked at his face.  He had lip gloss smeared all over his lips, and I knew I didn’t look much better.  “We’ll have to save this for another time.”

“Fuck the club,” Matt said hoarsely, taking a step towards me.  The look in his eyes told me that he wanted me more than he wanted information.  “Let’s go to my room.”  Two more steps and he’d be on top of me.

“Matt, come on,” I said, stepping back again.  As much as I wanted him, I knew I’d regret it if we didn’t go to the club—and what’s more, so would he.  Every day we let go without finding Danny meant one day closer to perhaps not finding him at all.  “We have to talk to Digger.  You have to take a rain check on this.”  I didn’t know if my talking had swayed him or not until he spoke.

“Ok, but you have to promise me one thing.”  I looked at him inquiringly, wondering what string he’d attach to my offer.  “You have to dress like this when I cash in on that rain check.  In fact, I want you to wear this dress.”  He grinned, looking slightly demented with his bruised lips.

“Oh, ok, you big brute,” I said, patting his arm.  He caught my hand and licked my palm, sending a thrill up my arm.  I gasped, unable to stop myself.

“You sure you want to take a rain check?”  Matt asked, sliding my thumb into his mouth.  My knees buckled, nearly dropping me to the floor.  Somehow, I managed to wrest my hand free of his and nod my head.  Not without giving him a dirty look, however, which caused him to chuckle.  He headed to the bathroom before I could do anything to him, namely jump his bones.  I whipped out my lipstick container because it had a small mirror in it and painstakingly recreated my lips.  After I finished, I sat on the futon to watch the game until Matt was ready.

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