Tag Archives: NYC

Out of Sight, Into Mind; chapter sixteen, part two

“Ok, Scarlett.  I have one question for you—what exactly is your relationship with Mr. Reynolds?”  His question caught me off-guard.

“What?  Matt?  He’s one of my best friends.  I told you that.”  I evaded the question behind the question because I wanted Martinez to ask outright if there was something he wanted to know.  “Are you asking me professionally or personally?”

“Both,” Martinez said, his voice serious.

“Um, well, he’s one of my best friends,” I repeated uncomfortably.  I didn’t know where he was going with this line of questioning, but it couldn’t be anywhere I wanted to go.

“Please don’t take offense, but would you lie for him?”  Martinez was giving me his full attention, which made me feel even more uncomfortable.

“Lie for him?”  I tried to figure out if that was personal or professional.  I decided it didn’t matter because I didn’t lie.  At least, not about important things.  “No, I wouldn’t.”

“Are you attracted to him?”  The minute the question left Martinez’s mouth, he looked as if he’d like to snatch them back again.

“Now, I know that’s personal because I can’t see how it would have any bearing on the case.”  I infused my voice with as much indignation as I could muster, but I knew he had a right to ask.  Shit, I would be all over him if the situation was reversed, but I didn’t like the fact that he hadn’t waited until our date to ask me.  This was an investigation for God’s sake.

“You’re right.  It’s personal, and it’s been eating at me for the last few days.”  Martinez looked me in the eyes, his gaze not wavering.  I had to give him props for being forthright about it; I just wasn’t sure I was ready to answer.  To equivocate, however, would be doing him a disservice since he had a right to know.  As I had vowed that I wouldn’t keep anything from him in terms of the investigation, I now vowed that I would be honest with him about my personal life as well.

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Out of Sight, Into Mind; chapter fifteen, part one

“Gah!”  I woke up to find Banana sitting on the edge of my bed, watching me.  She wasn’t making any sound or moving; she was just watching me.  “Banana, honey.  You scared me.”  I smiled, trying to calm my rapidly beating heart.  “Have you been up long?”  I glanced at my clock and saw it was seven-thirty in the morning.  As I hadn’t gone to bed until after one, I was definitely hurting.

“I just got up, Auntie,” Banana said, hurrying to hug me.  “I’m hungry.”  She plopped herself back down, this time right by my face.  “Can you make me breakfast?”  She sounded so wistful, I didn’t have the heart to tell her to go away.

“Give me five minutes, love.”  I struggled to sit up, conscious of my nudity.  “Um, why don’t you go wake up Uncle Matt?  I’ll be right there.”

“Ok!”  Banana jumped off my bed and raced out the door.  I knew Matt would give me hell for telling her to wake him up, but that wasn’t my problem.  I got out of bed and threw on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, figuring it was enough to go get started on breakfast.  I trudged out the door, trying to wake myself up.  Banana was dragging Matt out of his room, and he stopped to glare at me.  I suppressed a smirk as I made my way to the kitchen.  If I had to be up, he had to be up.

I opened the fridge, hoping that there was something edible.  I saw some eggs and decided to scramble them.  I’d make whole wheat toast and some sausage patties and call it a day.  So it wasn’t the healthiest thing she could eat—it was homemade.  That had to count for something.  I went to work, making enough food for three.  I pulled out a carton of orange juice, sniffing it to make sure it wasn’t past its prime.  It was just fine.  Matt and Banana walked into the kitchen, watching as I cooked.  They knew better than to ask to help as I preferred cooking solo.  I started the coffee as well as I needed at least three cups.

“It smells good, Auntie,” Banana said, her eyes wide.  “Mommy doesn’t cook food like this.”  Of course not.  Julia wouldn’t sink so low.  She was strictly haute cuisine, and I was a meat and potatoes gal.  Could be why she liked fashion, and I liked sports.  “Is it ready yet?”

“Almost,” I said, waving my hand behind me.  Matt took the hint and herded Banana to the living room.  I could hear the television from the kitchen, which meant he had the volume too high.  I slugged down a cup of coffee almost raw while I was cooking just to jumpstart my brain.  When I went into the living room, Matt and Banana were rapt in the world of the Justice League.  Matt had the DVDs of the first season, and it was one of his favorites.  I wasn’t sure it was appropriate for someone Banana’s age, but she appeared to be enjoying it.

“Food!”  Banana jumped up and grabbed a plate from the tray I was carrying.  I set one down in front of Matt before grabbing the last plate for myself.  Matt and Banana thanked me before turning back to the television.  I kept one eye on what they were watching and one eye on Banana.  It was wearying to take care of a kid because you had to constantly make sure she didn’t come to any harm.  As she sat there eating, I envisioned the food going down the wrong way and getting stuck in her esophagus.

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Out of Sight, Into Mind; chapter nine, part one

“Hey, glad you could stop by,” Julia said, her eyes red.  She looked as if she hadn’t slept in days.

“Hey, girl,” I said, giving her a warm hug.  “Hey, sport,” I said to Banana who was clinging to her mother’s leg.  That was unusual for her as she was an outgoing child, but it could be because of the tension in her mother.  “How’s my best girl?”

“Ok,” Banana said mournfully.  “Mommy’s going away this weekend and leaving me behind.”

“I know, Banana,” I said, glancing at Julia who looked as if she wanted to cry again.  “But you’re staying with me and Matt, and we’re going to have tons of fun.  We’ll eat lots of ice cream and go to the park….You won’t want to go home once the weekend is over.”  I flashed an apologetic look at Julia because I knew you weren’t supposed to bribe a child, but she waved her hand.

“Really?”  Banana said, her face brightening.  “Can we eat banana ice cream?  Like my name?”

“Uh, sure.”  I didn’t know if they made banana ice cream but if they did, I’d find it for her.

“And Uncle Matt will play with me?  I love Uncle Matt!”  Banana said with an enthusiasm shared by many women.

“Yup.  He said he can’t wait to see you.”

“Did you hear that, Mommy?  I get to play with Uncle Matt!”  Banana hugged her mother’s legs as Julia mouthed a thank you at me.

“Baby, why don’t you go put in the Shrek DVD?”  Julia said, gently disengaging Banana from her leg.  Banana didn’t even wait to reply before tearing off for the living room.  We followed, and I watched in amazement as Banana set up the movie for herself.  Kids these days were so technologically advanced at such a young age.

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