Hey, ‘sup, bitchez? My name is Minna Hong, and this is my fiction blog. It’s an emerging, living entity, so it’ll change, grow, and occasionally spit up along the way. Just FYI, I swear. A lot. So if that’s problematic, you may want to skip this blog entirely.
::looks around::
It’s kind of strange. For years, this has been the home of my personal blog, which has now been moved to theminna.com. I ranted and I railed about whatever popped in my mind. Then, I closed the curtains on my blog and moved on to other adventures. My fiction site was one reason I closed down my blog, and now, roughly a year later*, I am ready to make magic happen.
Since it’s November, that means NaNoWriMo. I’ve already met the goal – 56,142 and counting – which isn’t surprising for me. If you’ve ever read anything I’ve written, you know I have no trouble spewing a bunch of words at a time. In the past couple years, I’ve set my own goals for NaNoWriMo, and this year, I have three. One is to get this website up and running – as defined by me. The second is to write a mystery novel, and I’m about a third down with that.
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